Image Gallery

In this session,the site is going to show brief detail about the services.

(Dalam sesi ini, situs akan menampilkan penjelasan singkat tentang layanan.)

Take a look at each of the images to know.

[Lihatlah masing-masing gambar untuk mengetahuinya.]


2.) -Mr.Turkamun(The boss behind lintang nursery)

[-Bapak Turkamun(Bos dibalik lintang nursery)]


3.) -Expert in field of landscaping

[-Ahli di bidang lansekap]


3.) -We receive the manufacture and maintenance of parks for homes, offices, places of worship, etc.

[-Kami menerima pembuatan dan perawatan taman untuk rumah, kantor, tempat ibadah, dll.]


4.) -We serve the sale of various types of plants (ornamental plants, fruits, protected plants, also bonsai).

[-Kami melayani penjualan berbagai jenis tanaman (tanaman hias, buah-buahan, tanaman dilindungi, juga bonsai).]


5.) -If wanted to ask more information, click the "Contact Us" menu to answer your queries.

[-Jika ingin menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut, klik menu "Contact US" untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda.]